Hazmat Plus was commissioned by a large Multi-National food retailer to undertake an Environmental due diligence site assessment with soil sampling at a site adjacent one of their operating stores in regional NSW to allow for additional parking space for their restaurant customers and ensure safer truck delivery movements. We engaged an environmental drilling contractor with a trailer mounted drill rig who assisted us in taking soil samples for contaminates of potential concern as identified from a desk top study and review of the Preliminary Site Investigation for the site. The analytical results and site environmental due diligence assessment determined the site was suitable for its intended purpose and no contaminates detected above safe human health investigation levels as stipulated in the National Environmental Protection Measure (NEPM) guidelines.
An in-situ Waste Classification of the soil was undertaken concurrently to assist in the appropriate off-site disposal of spoil and to save the client additional costs for a re-visit to site for additional soil sampling for the waste classification at a later date (i.e. during construction). Hazmat Plus also conducted a pre-demolition hazardous materials survey of the built structures whilst on site to allow for the safe removal of these materials including asbestos prior to demolition and to ensure work could proceed as planned on time and on budget.